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Cloud Curious — Online Photo Sharing

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In this session we cover:

  • Creating a storage bucket on Google Cloud Platform
  • Uploading objects
  • Creating folders and subfolders
  • Making objects publicly accessible

Instructions Before You Start

  1. Go to this link
  2. Click the ‘Start Challenge’ button.
  3. Enter your first and last name, business name = N/A, email = your email (this is where your token will go to), job title, website =, your telephone number, country, challenge track = ‘getting started track’ and then no to both questions, then press Submit.
  4. Check you email for Google Cloud skills challenge: Your unique access code
  5. Copy your unique access code from the email
  6. Then, click Claim Offer
  7. Click Join at the top right of the page, using the email you used to sign up for the challenge above, business can be N/A
  8. Go back to your email and click the verification email and click ‘Confirm Email’ address and log in
  9. Now go to this link
  10. Click the green ‘Start lab’ button on the top left and click ‘Launch with 1 credit’.
  11. If you are logged into another Google Cloud Platform account, please follow steps 1-4 of Setup and Requirements below the green ‘Start lab’ button.
  12. Once on Google Cloud Platform, agree to the terms and conditions.
  13. You are now ready to start the session, please start the video.  

Upload an object to your storage bucket

"KPMG Cloud Curious Playground"