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Introduction to Python — Session 1

In this session we cover:

  • An overview of the course
  • Background on programming and Python
  • Write our first "Hello World" script
  • Variables and data types
  • Mathematical operators
  • String concatenation

Write your code


Section A

  1. Write code that prints ‘Hello world’.
  2. Print the numbers 1 to 5 on a single line.
  3. Write a script where ‘Hello’ and ‘World’ are printed on two separate lines.
  4. Write a script that prints a list of names, tabbed on separate lines, e.g. My List of Names: Alice Bob Charlie

Section B

  1. Write code that prints the value of 2 + 2.
  2. Write code that prints the value of 5.7 subtracted from 3.4.
  3. Write code that prints the value of 8 multiplied by 7.
  4. Write code that prints the value of 144 divided by 12.
  5. Write code that prints the value of the remainder of 67 divided by 12.
  6. Write code that finds the value of 20 from 4 - 2 * 6 / 3 * 5. Hint: you might need brackets.


See the code for each answer on our GitHub!