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Introduction to Python — Session 2

In this session we cover:

  • Commenting your code
  • Casting integers, floats and strings
  • String indexes
  • Length of strings
  • Requesting user input
  • Changing the case of letters

Write your code


Section A

  1. Create two variables that hold the width and height of a rectangle, work out and store the area in a third variable. Print out the string: Rectangle of width *x* and height *y* has an area of *area*.
  2. Write code that prints the length of the string, 'python'.
  3. Print out the first and third letter of the word 'python'.
  4. Ask the user to enter their name, and print out Hello, *name*.
  5. Ask the user to enter their age, tell them how old they will be in 15 years time.
  6. Combine the two input statements above and print out the message Hello, *name*, you are currently *age* years old. In 15 years time you will be *age_in_15_years_time*.
  7. Ask the user to enter their hometown, print it out in uppercase letters.
  8. Ask the user to enter their favourite colour and find out the length of the colour they input.
  9. Ask the user to enter the weather and the month. Print out the string, It is *month* and it is *weather* today.
  10. Ask the user to enter 5 different temperatures and the month. Work out the average temperature and print out the string, It is *month* and the average temperature is *average_temperature* degrees celsius.
  11. Print out the above sentence but make the month upper case.
  12. Create a variable that holds your favourite animals and print it out. Make sure the animals are all on different lines and tabbed.
  13. Ask the user to enter their name as well as a number. Print out the uppercase character at that position in the string.


See the code for each answer on our GitHub!