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Introduction to Python — Session 10

In this session we cover:

  • Object Oriented Programming (OOP)
  • Classes / Objects / Methods
  • Inheritance

Write your code


Section A

  1. Create a class called Upper which has two methods called get_word() and print_word().
    • the get_word() method should accept a string from the user
    • the print_word() method prints the string in upper case
  2. Create a Person class, initialise it with a name. Create a method for the Person class that will say hello to the name.
  3. Create a Circle class, initialise it with a radius. Create two methods for the Circle class: get_area() and get_circumference() which give both respective areas and circumference, to 2 decimal places.
    • Note: Area of a circle = πr ** 2
    • Circumference = 2πr
    • Use the round() function to get the answer to 2 decimal places
  4. Create a Employee class and initialise it with name and staff number.

    • Make methods to:

      • display_info() - It should display all the information of the employee.
      • set_department() - It should assign the department to employee.
      • set_bonus() - It should assign a bonus amount to the employee.
    • Create the instance attributes first name and last name instead of name.

    • Create two methods full_name() and email_address() in the Employee class.
    • Given a person's first and last names:
      • Form the full_name method by simply joining the first and last name together, separated by a space
      • Form the email_address by joining the first and last name together with a . in-between, and follow it with at the end. Make sure everything is in lowercase
  5. Create a Vehicle parent class, initialise it with, wheels, colour and a method to display all this information.

    • Create a Tesla (or any car) child class and add a method to get the miles and a method to display all this information
    • Change the colour of the vehicle
    • Delete the wheels
  6. Create a Sandwich class with the attributes order_number and ingredients.

    • The ingredients attributes is given as a list - (Note: use list() to enable this).
      • Only the ingredients attributes will be given as input
    • The order attribute will be a method that counts the order number.
    • Make three methods for the following favourite sandwiches, for customers who don't want to create a sandwich:
      • vegan_hot() — vegan cheese, meatless meatballs, jalapeños
      • meat_feast() — steak, peppers, cheese
      • veggie() — tomato, spinach, mushroom, eggs


See the code for each answer on our GitHub!